1963-1968 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, 1968: teacher's diploma in History and Hungarian Language and Literature
1976-1977 Institut Européen des Hautes Études Internationales - Université de Nice
Doctor of Arts, summa cum laude, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), 1979
Candidate of historical science: CSc (PhD), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest), 1989
Habilitation, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest, 2002
Field of interest: Modern world history; Contemporary political history (European Union, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast-Asia); Theory and political history of international relations
from 1976 more times: Bruxelles - ASDOC Archives; Bruxelles - Archives for Foreign Affairs, Antwerp - Catholic Archives; research trips to Louvain-la-Neuve - UCL, Erasmus College, to Bruxelles - ULB, and to Nice - I.E.H.E.I.
Academic co-operation with:
Corvinus University (International Relations department); Teacher's Training College, Szombathely; Janus Pannonius University, Pécs; József Attila University, Szeged; Catholic University of Lublin (Africanistics); Pedagogical College of Nitra; UCL, Bruxelles (International Relations, Africanistics); I.E.H.E.I., Nice; Paris II University; University of Stockholm; University of Hanoi (co-promoteur)
Scholarly activity
1970-1973: Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic University, Faculty of Social Sciences
1973-2003: teaching at the ELTE University, Faculty of Humanities (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor)
1994: one of the founders of the Africanistics Program (ELTE, Faculty of Humanities); from 1994 : teaching in the frame of the same Africanistics Program (see courses later)
1997-1998: comm. head of the Politics Training Program of the ELTE at Szombathely
2002-: Founder and leader of the educational program "Contemporary Foreign Affairs"
2003-: teaching at the educational program "European expansion" (leader of the program: dr. Istvan Rakoczi)
Regular teacher at the postgraduate courses for teachers of History (ELTE, Faculty of Humanities)
2003/2004: Normative ambience of the EU - course held at the University of Kaposvar
from September 2003: teaching in the subject bloc "International relations" at the ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Political Science department
Recently held courses at the Political Science deparment and/or at the Africanistics Program
- Theories of the international relations and the international system
- Political systems in Africa
- Ethnicity and tribalism in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Changes in the basic structure of the international system and the international organizations
- Educational policy of the European Union
- Conceptional and political trends in the independent African countries
- Political systems and governmental models in Sub-Saharan Africa
- International system - international politics (Introduction into the theory of international relations)
- Structural changes in the international system
- Organizational system of the international relations and organizations
- European unification and the international system
- Political history of Sub-Saharan Africa - Political systems in Africa
- Impact of the decolonization process on the international relations
- One-party systems and party creation process in contemporary Africa
- Relations Internationales - French-language seminar
Recently held courses at the Contemporary Foreign Affairs Program
1. The science of the international relations
2. Contemporary international system
3. Foreign policy thinking in the 20th century and at the millennium
4. International institutions and organizations
5. Contemporary international law
6. Universal goal systems in the international relations
7. Sovereign statehood and methods of the inter-state relations in the new world order
8. Conflicts, theories of conflicts
9. Comparative analyses, case studies
Involvement in Doctoral Programs:
2003-: ELTE, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Modern History
2003: Central European University (CEU) Budapest: History department
Actual tasks at the Faculty of Social Sciences (ELTE)
from autumn 2003: member of the Committee of Ethical and Disciplinary Issues
from 1 October, 2005: Head of the Political Science department
Conferences and lectures in Hungary and abroad
- 1990: NATO conference, Prague
- Background material to the special issue of Clio "Changement du systeme politique et l'enseignement de l'histoire en Hongrie"
- Conference on Africa - ZMKE, 1997
- On-line conference of the Pedagogical College of Nitra (1999/2000)
- "Europe 2000", Cannet, 2000 (co-referate)
- "Hungary's national strategy until 2020" - Veszprém, 2001 (organized by the Prime Minister's Office, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the University of Veszprém) (referate)
- Conference on the Socialism - Institute of the Political History, 2001
- Conference on Africa - Pécs, 2003 (organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Janus Pannonius University)
- Conferences of Political science : Miskolc, Szeged, Budapest
- "Euro-African Relations In Our Days" - lecture held at the Conference "Empires and Colonies" of the European Expansion Program - 8 September, 2004
- Conference of the Section of the Teachers of History of the Institute of Historical Sciences, Fall 2004
- "Africa - New Actor in Global Processes", organized by the Alliance of Regions, 3 May, 2005
- "State and Role of the Middle East in the international relations at the transition to the postbipolar era" - Lecture at the Confererence "Intersection of Civilizations, the Middle East, Europe and the New World Order", ELTE, 5-6 May, 2005
- Lecturer at the Summer University organized by the ELTE, the Corvinus University, the Marton Aron College and the Kempelen Farkas Information Center), 3-11 July, 2005
- "The Role of Intercultural Relations in the Contemporary Conflicts",
lecture held at the Diet of Szephalom, August 2007
- "Africa - the 'forgotten continent'" - Lecture held in the course of the series "The Dawn of a New World Order" at the Corvinus University, 14 November, 2007
- "Diseases of Africa" Lecture held at the Pallas Paholy, February 2008
Other Activities
1982-1984: economic foreign service in Southeast Asia
Occassional professional reviewer upon the request of MTA-TMB
1992-1994: delegate of the Ministry of Education to the Strobald Committee, which analyzed the possibilites of harmonization of the teaching of History from the point of view of the European integration and enlargement process
from 1995: professional textbook-expert upon the commission obtained through the competition of the Textbook and School Equipment Committee of the National Public Educational Council
from July 2000 accreditational expert upon the commission of the Methodological and Information Center for Teacher's Postgraduate Studies (PTMIK)
2001: one of the commissioned judges on the international textbook competition "Revolution 1956"
2002-2003: commissioned expert of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Membership in professional and public associations
Hungarian Association of the Historical Sciences (1967-)
Hungarian Association of Africa (1993-) founder, member of the presidency
Hungarian Association of the Political Sciences (1994-)
Oszkár Jászi Society Of Foreign Policy (1995-), from 2004 member of the presidency
member of the advisory board of the journal Politika.hu
1983: Order received from the Government of Laos
1992: Acknowledgement received from the Prime Minister for the editorship of the reader "The Revolution of 1956"
2000-2002: Two acknowledgements received from the Ministry of Defence for organizational and lectural activity related to the EU and the NATO